Summer, hot temperatures, sunshine and the annual highlight: our Perseus Summer Party. On the agenda were team building, good food, cool drinks and a lot of fun. However, in keeping with our summer party planning, the Berlin summer decided to take a break. But we at Perseus never mind a good challenge. Instead of lots of outdoor activities, the party had to be moved inside – and even that couldn’t dampen the mood.
Perseus gives bees a home
But before the party started, the annual team building took place. Leading up to the event, the whole company was involved in the decision making process what to do. We could choose between sports activities, creative projects or tasks dealing with sustainability and environmental protection. The latter was chosen, as we also want to support local organizations that give something back to the world. So we had the pleasure of welcoming the great and inspiring team from “Kiezimker” to Perseus. The team were absolute self made beekeepers who have started an organization on their own to give bees a home in metropolitan areas and also introduce groups and businesses to the mystical world of bees. An exciting introduction, an informative quiz and a culinary highlight in the form of a honey tasting gave us an understanding of the life and work of bees.
After the theory, we were also allowed to become active: we were entrusted with the task of building insect hotels. In teams mixed together from all departments we crafted the new shelters for bees, insects, butterflies, wasps and bumblebees out of wood according to instructions. The Perseus Office briefly resembled a craft workshop – with much commotion, many laughs and some sawdust. There were no limits to creativity in the final design of the insect hotels. We were allowed to paint and decorate the houses as we wished. The result was impressive. From a safari shelter to red tin houses to a rainbow flower hotel, everything was there. And what happens to the insect hotels now? These will be taken and placed by some colleagues who own a green space. The rest will be distributed in the park areas and forests of Berlin. Keep your eyes open!

Pic Source: Perseus Technologies
After the teambuilding is before the “teambuilding”.
After the teambuilding we changed the location. Interaction, cheer and celebration were now the motto. With a cool welcome drink in hand, we explored the island of youth, the location for the summer party, which is located in the heart of Berlin and directly at the river Spree. The sporty people among us explored the area by boats, subs and kayaks. The sociable ones had the opportunity to get to know the other team members better and to exchange ideas, stories and laughs far away from conference rooms, business goals, keyboards and screens. The absolute highlight: Future team members and Perseus alumni were also part of the party.
After a motivating and inspiring speech by our management, the buffet and the dance floor were finally opened.
Neither the temperatures nor the rain kept the team from enjoying the party to the fullest. There was dancing, table football, eating and drinking. The Perseus team celebrated this year’s summer party in high spirits. What remains are a lot of nice memories, (successful) photos and a brand new Perseus hoodie that makes us think of our team on chilly days.